Tiger Knights empire war game‘ Duel mode is probably the most flawed game mode because it has no spawn protection and it sometimes stacks all the skilled players on one team, leaving new players and unskilled fighters to try and struggle on another team together. It is also annoying because players will go AFK (Away from keyboard), leaving a team of unresponsive fighters just standing around for the other team to kill.
Epic War is flawed because for some reason the FPS drops drastically and runs horribly. This game mode also has special cutscenes for the story and to introduce main generals to the battlefield, and it sometimes gets stuck in the cutscene to either leave you in a black screen or your controls will stop responding. Alt Tab seems to fix most of these problems for some reason…
The server, especially the North American server, has a lot of stability problems so we get a lot of lag. On top of this, we have to share a server with the east and west coast as well as Canada and South America. As a result, it bogs down the server and creates problems. The developers say they are aware of this and they are working on a solution, but in the meantime it means that we Americans and Canadians have to play on a laggy server with strange ping spikes.
Furthermore, if you choose to play as an Archer you will become frustrated by the wonky accuracy. This wouldn’t be a problem because I understand they want to avoid super-snipers, however the damage with the arrows is quite low, especially for the first 5 archery levels or so. The arrow speeds are also extremely slow, so even after you master the accuracy, you also have to master leading the arrow to get a proper hit. So it’ll take you a good 5 to 6 perfectly placed arrows just to get a decent kill against another player. Proceed to throw in armor damage reduction, and well… I think you get the idea.
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