Short bows: The short bow has short range so it does well in close combat, the damage is lower, and the accuracy is dreadful — however, it is predictable and with a little bit of practice you can master where and how to shoot your arrows. Due to the short range you will need to be relatively close to the action to get good shots. The benefits of the short bow however is its speed. Not only will you nock arrows faster so that you can loose them upon your foes, but the charge attack shoots off a rapid fire barrage of about three arrows in quick succession. If your arm is steady and your aim is true, you can get three arrow headshots for a total of about 60-80 damage, which can really deal out massive damage to several foes at once from a skilled archer.
Longbow: The longbow has very long range so it is better to use at long range, close range combat is difficult to get clean hits in. The longbow also has high damage and superb accuracy (especially at higher levels). However, it shoots very slow because the draw weight is a lot higher, so it takes a bit of time to aim and loose your arrows. The charge attack is very deadly because it shoots off a high damage arrow that can pierce its target, and by pierce, I literally mean that it goes all the way through. I was once able to get a double kill headshot because the arrow went through one general’s head and hit the second.
Double quivers: This is optional. I ranked S within the first few tries of the archery training the first day I played (I was horrible with horseback melee though), as a result, I went full archer build and skipped on using a horse altogether. You will run out of arrows quickly during combat, so a second quiver will give you wiggle room for extra shots. That leaves you with one slot left for a melee weapon.
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